Terza Rima Pure Land Poem


We are mired in a dark quagmire
Of cruel and murky quicksand, 
We dance no more to Kama’s lyre,

And vow for the Western Pure Land,
The eternal dawn of blissful Bodhi!
Arising by Amida’s hand,

A place of serene Samadhi,
Mani Jewels and Way Places,
And the most soothing purity,

Golden roads and glowing palaces, 
Purple robes and rows of jade trees,
All wrought by His Great Promises!

Lotus ponds of lasting respite for you and me,
And for all who from sin and iniquity leave!


Poem and post released into Public Domain

Recommended Public Domain Resources:

Beagle Meets Amita

Archive.org Free Pdf version download

Last Rites of Amitabha

Archive.org Free Pdf version download

Twilight in Paradise: Eastern Version of the Inferno

23 thoughts on “Terza Rima Pure Land Poem

  1. Your capping stanza is very good.
    It explains the true power of Amitabha and his compassion.
    Generally I feel that rhyming schemes muffle imagry in poetry, but with your poem I have the same sense of an image as I would hearing Shakyamuni describe it in the Sutras.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for your kind words! You are correct that rhyme schemes are generally very restricting. As you know, English is rhyme poor but rich in vocabulary and diverse foreign influences. Moreover, I believe that with the modernization and internationalization of the language, the dominant meters (i.e. iambic pentameter) may no longer be as effective as they once were due to variations in accent and dialect or way of speaking. For example, I read that many Caribbean writers dislike the iambic forms as it is not relatable to them.

      Therefore, I feel that Haibuns or similar structures are one of the best forms for English. It allows the vocabulary to shine freely without restriction, ornamented by haikus.


  2. Brilliant colors and vivd emotions fill your poetic plate. Your commitment to what you feel and know glimmers, always. Peace is Pure Awareness. Thank you for concluding with this Peace.

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    Liked by 1 person

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